BloqDown: Markdown Forum/Blog Site
Published on Jun 13, 2022
I’ve been wanting to try tRPC and Prisma for a while. Since I got some free time, I decided to create a simple project using those techs.
BloqDown is an open-source Simple Markdown Forum/Blog site using Next.js, Next-Auth, TypeScript, Prisma, PlanetScale and tRPC. The aim here is to learn how to properly use these techstacks.
- Live:
- Source Code: GitHub Repo
I know the UI for this project is not great. But that’s not the goal for building this site. The goals for this project are:
Creating fully typesafe APIs using tRPC
Using Prisma as TypeScript ORM
Setting up PlanetScale as MySQL db for the site
Set cookie for anonymous users thru Next.js middleware
Auth using Next-Auth (Github Provider)
Render post content as markdown using react-markdown
Users can perform any activity in the site as anonymous or as GitHub user (login via Next-Auth)
Users can delete or edit own posts
Users can only delete own comments
Users can like any posts they want
Can sort posts based on latest and popularity
Tags Feature: Users allow to add tags to their own posts, and in homepage, they can filter posts by tags
I really enjoyed using tRPC
as it really helps me in inferring response types and and use them on the frontend. This is really efficient and really improves the developer experience as a TypeScript
Overall, this is a really fun build.