


By Amir

Published on Jan 4, 2022

Normally when I want to focus on something without any distraction, no matter if itโ€™s studying, or even just doing some work, I would use the Pomodoro technique to get me focus and zone-in

About the app


Pomotify is a simple Fullstack Pomodoro timer app with Spotify integration. As a Pomodoro technique user and Spotify lover, I would love to have this kind of application. With Spotify in the web, users can focus on their study/work while listening to some playlists without the need to open their Spotify app.

To check-it out, click the link below:


Techstack used

For the client-side, I used React, Styled-Components, Material-UI, Framer-Motion. For the server side, I used Node and Express. I also used Spotify API for the Spotify integration.

For the deployment, I used Vercel.

Code Snippets

I used Styled-Components for styling. I like put all the themes in one file and just call it if I want to use it in any components. This can prevent repetitive codes (Always practice DRY - Dont Repeat Yourself).

Common themes: theme.js

export const theme = {
  black: "#191414",
  green: "#1DB954",
  grey: "#262323",
  hoverGreen: "#117735",
  pitchBlack: "black",
  borderRadius: "12px",
  textColor: "#f4f4f4",
  textGrey: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)",
  borderLine: "1px solid #1DB954",

I put all the common themes in a variable theme and then I will pass this themes as a prop into ThemeProvider that wraps the whole app (index.js). You can see the code below:

import * as mainTheme from "./theme.js";

    <ThemeProvider theme={mainTheme.theme}>
      <App />