
Data Structures with Python: Queues


By Amir

Published on Feb 2, 2022

Queue is one of the data structures that a programmer needs to understand. In this article, I will explain how to code a basic queue data structure with Python.


In this article, you need to have a knowledge on nodes and linked list before proceeding.


Queue is a linear collection of node (in linked list). Just like when we are queueing for something, we can add another person (in this case, a node), to the back of the queue, which is called enqueue.

We can also dequeue, means that the first node in the queue to be removed. Just like when we are queuing to buy a movie ticket, when the first person in the queue go to the counter, the first person will not be in the queue anymore, and the second person lining up will become the first person in the queue.

1st Step: Node

First step we need to create node class:

class Node:
  def __init__(self, value, next_node=None):
    self.value = value
    self.next_node = next_node

  def set_next_node(self, next_node):
    self.next_node = next_node

  def get_next_node(self):
    return self.next_node

  def get_value(self):
    return self.value

This is a basic node class, so I will not be explaining about this code, and focus more on explaining queue.

2nd Step: Initialising Queue Class

class Queue:
  def __init__(self, max_size=None):
    self.head = None
    self.tail = None
    self.max_size = max_size
    self.size = 0

To be able to enqueue and dequeue, we need to know the head and the tail of the queue. Set self.head = None and self.tail = None.

We use max_size to see the limit of the queue size. By default, max_size will be None which means that the queue is unlimited. To set the max size of the queue, we need to pass the max_size value when initiating Queue class.

And self.size is the current size of the queue. We set initially to 0 as there’s no node in the queue yet. This will be useful when checking if there’s empty spot in the queue or not (compare to max_size).

3rd Step: peek, get_size, has_space and is_empty

Then write these codes under the same Queue class:

def peek(self):
  if self.size > 0:
    return self.head.get_value()
    return None

def get_size(self):
  return self.size

def has_space(self):
  if self.max_size == None:
    return True
    return self.max_size > self.get_size()

def is_empty(self):
  return self.size == 0

peek is to see the first node value if the queue is not empty and get_size is just to return self.size.

has_space is to check if there’s space left to be filled. First it will check if there’s a limit size for the queue through self.max_size. If max_size is none, which means that the queue size is unlimited, it will return True. If there’s a value for max_size, it will check through this statement self.max_size > self.get_size() which will return a boolean value.

is_empty is for checking if the queue is empty or not. if self_size is equal to 0, it will return True, and if it’s not, False.

4th Step: Enqueue

def enqueue(self, value):
    if self.has_space():
        node_to_add = Node(value)
        if self.is_empty():
            self.head = node_to_add
            self.tail = node_to_add
            self.tail = node_to_add
        self.size += 1
        print("Sorry, no more room!")

To enqueue, first we need to check if there’s space left in the queue for enqueue the new node. We use self.has_space() to check this. If it’s True, then we can continue to enqueue the node. Now we implement the Node class to the new value that needed to be added to the queue.

Then, we have to check if the queue is empty or not via self.is_empty(). If it is empty, this means that the new node (which is node_to_add), will be the first node in the queue. This means that the node will be the head and the tail of the queue. If the queue is not empty, the node_to_add will be the new tail node. So we write self.tail.set_next_node() to set the current tail node in the queue to point to the node_to_add. And finally we will set the node_to_add as the new tail node through this line of code, self.tail = node_to_add. Don’t forget to increment the self.size by 1 as the we have added a new node in the queue.

5th Step: Dequeue

def dequeue(self):
  if self.get_size() > 0:
    node_to_remove = self.head
    if self.get_size() == 1:
      self.head = None
      self.tail = None
      self.head = self.head.get_next_node()
    self.size -= 1
    return node_to_remove.get_value()
    print("The queue is totally empty!")

To dequeue, first we need to make sure if the queue has a head node. So we started with this if statement, self.get_size() > 0. If it’s True, then we know that the queue has a head node, so we create a variable node_to_remove to be equal to self.head. Next, to remove the head node, we have to set the second node in the queue to be the new head node. But first we have to know if there’s node queueing after the head node. If there’s none, means that there’s only one node queieng (head node = tail node), then we have to set the self.head and the self.tail to None. Else, if there’s node queueing after the head node, we can set the self.head to be equal to the second node in the queue via this, self.head = self.head.get_next_node(). Decrease the self.size by 1 as we have removed one node in the queue.
