
Sched App: Schedule-based Note Taking App for Students/Teachers


By Amir

Published on Sep 24, 2022

Schedule-based note taking app for students/teachers built using Next.js, NextAuth, TypeScript, tRPC, Prisma and Railway.

Quick Story

A couple months ago, I joined a coding community which is called Chingu Voyages, where we made a fun webdev project in a team. We made a schedule-based note taking app for students/teachers and I was in-charge of the backend dev and the CI/CD. The tech-stacks that we used were React, Express, TypeScript, MongoDB and Heroku (automate deployment via Github Actions).

Here’s the source code for the group project: REPO

Since the timeline was short, and all of the team members were busy with their real work, we barely finish our MVP.

Then I decided to create a new solo project with the same concepts (schedule-based note taking app for students/teachers) but with my designs and tech-stacks preference. I couldn’t believe how fast I can build this on my own!

About the app


Project Features
